Milestones are the significant and developmental markers that we experience throughout our lives. They are our firsts. There are first steps, first teeth and first words, but there are also firsts in our faith life: baptism, beginning of Sunday School, receiving a Bible, and more. The Stewartville UMC Milestone Ministry is committed to helping families build the connection between our daily lives and our faith life. Milestone events are designed for the whole family, and include an informal lunch, meaningful lesson and keepsake craft project.
Preschool - "I Can Pray"
Kindergarten - "Touch & See My Church"
Grade 1 - "Touch the Water"
Grade 2 - "Taste the Bread"
Grade 3 - "Getting to Know my Bible"
Grade 4 - "Worship Around the Year"
Download the Milestone Ministry brochure for more information.
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